Our Capabilities
As our name implies, we regularly come up with unique and innovative ways to make things happen. We can quickly adjust our schedule and workforce to accommodate new opportunities. Much of our processing equipment is custom designed with features that allow for flexible production adaptation. We can quickly configure custom production lines to match new requirements.
Processing Equipment
Compression (for adhesive curing)
Inline (manual, hoist assisted flat compression - custom)
(3) Belt Driven Inline Presses
56" x 72" x 6" capacity
Fully adjustable
Flatbed Die-Cutter (corrugated/honeycomb/fibrecore)
107 wide" x 144" long x 1" thick material capacity
Automatic, semi-automatic and manual operation modes
68" x 60" Hydraulic Die Press (honeycomb/fibre/core - custom)
150-ton capacity
Semi-automatic waste ejection and conveyance
Up to 4" thick material capacity
24 x 60 Hydraulic Die Press (honeycomb - custom)
25-ton capacity
Up to 4" thick material capacity
Adhesive Application Equipment (custom built)
50" Automatic Wet Adhesive System (any substrate)
Dextrin or emulsion adhesive
5-head adjustable or semi-continuous pattern
120" Automatic Wet Adhesive System (any substrate)
Dextrin or emulsion adhesive
Hot Melt Glue Systems (any substrate)
Honeycomb Slitters (custom)
Cookie-Cutter (honeycomb)
71" wide material capacity
14" radial blades (11 top/11 bottom)
Variable speed drive motor
Up to 4.5" thick material capacity
Processes: Cookie-Cut, Slit-Score and Clean Cut
Long Slitter (honeycomb)
112" wide material capacity
14" radial blades
Up to 4.5" thick material capacity
Processes: Clean Cut & Slit-Score
Pallet Assembly Line (custom)
High capacity production line
76" x 48" x 6" maximum pallet size
Fully adjustable and configurable
Semi-Automatic operation
Roller Coaters (3)
56" wide
Processes up to 5" thick material
Doctor blade and dam adjustable
Variable speed
Horizontal Panel Saw
12" blade
54" rip capacity
4" maximum cutting depth
Industrial Band Saw
30" throat
9" thickness capacity
Miscellaneous Equipment for Custom Production Configurations
Roller Conveyors (powered and gravity) in various lengths and widths
Scissor Lifts (multiple)
Large Work Tables
Fastening Tools (various capacity staplers and nailers)
Electric Forklifts
Stretch Wrapper with Pre-stretch
Pass Through Stretch Wrapper
Up to 64" x 48" x 54" unit load capacity
Single polyethylene sheet wrap
Heat weld closure
Fully automatic and inline with powered conveyor in-feed
Arch Style Side Seal Strapping Machine
Hand Strapping Equipment
Semi-Auto Reinforced Paper Tape Dispensers
Baler (all production waste is baled and recycled)
40,000+ sq. ft. (35,000 Warehouse + 6,700 Offices/Services)
100% LED Lighting
High Ceiling
Seamless, No Exposed Fastener Roof (new with 50 year warranty)
8 Dock Doors
1 High Drive-In Door
Expandable End Wall (for expansion)
Sits on 9 Acres with favorable zoning
Centrally Located in Washington, MO USA
Call 636-390-0300 or email us to begin a better packaging program.